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Procedures and contracts

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Procedure for the categorization of hotels, restaurants and other places of accommodation in Bulgaria.


1. Name of the administrative service and unique identifier according to the Register of Services: Categorisation of accommodation with unique identifier 2760

2. Legal basis for the provision of the administrative service/issuance of the individual administrative act. TOURISM ACT, ART. 129

3. Body providing the administrative service/issuing the individual administrative act: Minister of Tourism or an official authorised by him/her.

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Rental contract in Bulgaria. Real estate attorney in Plovdiv.


Legal framework - Articles 228-239 of the Bulgarian Law on Obligations and Contracts.

Definition: according to the legal definition, the rental contract obliges the landlord to provide the tenant with an item for temporary use and the tenant to pay the landlord a certain price.


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How to set up a Joint stock company in Bulgaria?


 A Joint stock company is a company in which the capital is divided into shares. The company is liable before its creditors with its assets. The trade name of the joint stock company should be unique for Bulgaria and should include the extension “акционерно дружество” (joint-stock company) or the abbreviation “AD”. A joint stock company may be found by one or more natural or legal persons. The minimum registered capital of a joint-stock company is BGN 50,000 which is approximately € 25,500. Аt least 25 percent of the share capital should be subscribed in order to initiate a registration procedure. 

Since 23rd of October 2018, Joint Stock companies can no longer issue bearer shares. All bearer shares have to be replaced with registered shares – ordinary or preferred by 23rd of July 2019.

A joint stock company may have one- or two-tier managing system. If it has two-tier managing system, a supervisory body is appointed along with a managing board while in companies with one-tier system only a board of directors is appointed.

Advantages using our services to establish Joint Stock company in Bulgaria

No fee for a registered office address! We will provide a top location registered office address for your Bulgarian Joint Stock company free of charge for as long as you need.

No maintenance, annual or hidden fees.

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Bulgarian EOOD Company.


Bulgarian Corporate Law allows foreign nationals to remotely register a company in Bulgaria by granting power of attorney to a Bulgarian Law firm. Our lawyers will assist you to remotely register your Bulgarian EOOD company starting from only 500 EUR. Using our company formation services, we do not charge maintenance or annual fees for the registered office address and scanned business mail service.


The EOOD is a company designation in which the shareholder’s liability to creditors is limited to the amount of capital deposited in the company. Liability does not extend to the individual shareholder’s assets. The Bulgarian EOOD company is preferred by persons who would like to start their business in Bulgaria or who would like to purchase a real estate property.


The Private limited EOOD company is strongly recommended to IT professionals who would like to benefits from the Bulgarian corporate tax rate of flat 10%. The EOOD is also suitable for registering a boat or registering a motor vehicle as a company asset. Protecting your assets you will also benefit from the low taxes on vehicles and boats in Bulgaria.


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