In force since 01.07.1991 Reflected the denomination of 05.07.1999.
Obn. SG 48 of 18 June 1991, amend. SG 25 of 27 March 1992, amend. SG 61 of 16 July 1993, amend. SG 103 of 7 December 1993, suppl. SG 63 of 5 August 1994, amend. SG 63 of 14 July 1995, amend. SG 42 of 15 May 1996, amend. SG 59 of 12 July 1996, amend. SG 83of 1 October 1996, amend. SG 86 of 11 October 1996, amend. SG 104 of 6 December 1996, amend. SG 58 of 21 July 1997, amend. SG 100 of 31 October 1997, amend. SG 124of 23 December 1997, suppl. SG 39 of 7 April 1998, suppl. SG 52 of 8 May 1998, amend. SG 70 of 19 June 1998, amend. SG 33 of 9 April 1999, suppl. SG 42 of 5 May 1999, amend. SG 64 of 16 July 1999, amend. SG 81 of 14 September 1999, amend. SG 90 of 15 October 1999, amend. SG 103 of 30 November 1999, amend. SG 114 of 30 December 1999, amend. SG 84 of 13 October 2000, amend. SG 28 of 19 March 2002, amend. SG 61 of 21 June 2002, suppl. SG 96 of 11 October 2002, amend. SG 19 of 28 February 2003, amend. SG 31 of 4 April 2003, amend. SG 58 of 27 June 2003, amend. SG 31 of 8 April 2005, amend. SG 39/10 May 2005, amend. SG 42 of 17 May 2005, amend. SG 43 of 20 May 2005, amend. SG 66of 12 August 2005, amend. SG 103 of 23 December 2005, amend. SG 105 of 29 December 2005, amend. SG 38 of 9 May 2006, amend. SG 59 of 21 July 2006, amend. SG 80 of 3 October 2006, amend. SG 105 of 22 December 2006, amend. SG 59 of 20 July 2007, amend. SG 92 of 13 November 2007, amend. SG 104 of 11 December 2007, amend. SG 50 of 30 May 2008, amend. SG 67 of 29 July 2008, amend. SG 70 of 8 August 2008, amend. SG 100 of 21 November 2008, amend. SG 108 of 19 December 2008, amend. SG 12 of 13 February 2009, amend. SG 23 of 27 March 2009, amend. 28 April 2009, amend. SG 47 of 23 June 2009, amend. SG 82 of 16 October 2009, amend. SG 41 of 1 June 2010, amend. SG 101 of 28 December 2010, amend. SG 14 of 15 February 2011, amend. SG 18 of 1 March 2011, amend. SG 34 of 29 April 2011, amend. SG 53 of 13 July 2012, amend. SG 60 of 7 August 2012, suppl. SG 15 of 15 February 2013, amend. and suppl. SG 20 of 28 February 2013, amend. 27of 25 March 2014, suppl. 22 of 24 March 2015, amend. and suppl. SG 95 of 8 December 2015, amend. SG No. 13 of 16 February 2016, amend. and supplemented by Dz. SG No. 105 of 30 December 2016, amend. and supplemented by Dz. SG 62 of 1 August 2017, am. and suppl. SG 102 of 22 December 2017, am. and suppl. 15of 16 February 2018, suppl. 27 of 27 March 2018, amend. SG 88 of 23 October 2018.
Part one.
Chapter one.
Art. 1. (1) (amend. - SG No. 83/1996) A trader within the meaning of this Law shall be any natural or legal person who, by profession, carries out any of the following transactions:
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